Supplier Switch Detected

WebsiteTravel allows Operators and Suppliers to have multiple accounts and can allow users to switch between these. You can tell if you can do this when there is a dropdown next to your Company name in the top right corner.
If you wish to allow a switch between accounts, please contact our Support team who can set this up for you. 

If you have multiple window/tabs open for WebsiteTravel, and you have access to switch between accounts you might get an error saying:

Another Supplier account has been detected in a different window.
It's not possible to operate separate suppliersin separate windows at the same time to prevent errors.
This window will be reloaded and logged in to your other account.

This error comes up when you are logged into one account in one window, and then in another window, have switched to another. 

Unfortunately, to prevent any errors, the system can't allow 2 accounts being active at the same time. 

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